Installing Xubuntu Or Ubuntu 20 On Dell Inspiron 3000

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Many of the Dell Inspiron series, including the 3501 on which this was tested, are certified as working with Ubuntu. When doing a fresh install after wiping Windows, Ubuntu 20 pretty much works out of the box but there are a few additional steps involved to get everything working nicely.

You will need…


This wipes Windows and anything else from the disk. Completely!

Post Installation


Depending on options chosen during install, the following may not be necessary. Check for Wifi connectivity and the running kernel before proceeding:

uname -a

Enable hibernate

The one major thing which doesn’t work out of the box. To get it working:

Disable xfce4-screensaver (Xubuntu Only)

Customising Gnome (Ubuntu Only)

Power management settings

Install Chrome

If desired…

  apt install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Setting up a basic development environment

This is entirely optional but is why I wanted a laptop which plays nicely with Linux.

Install packages:

  sudo apt install lsb-releasegnupg ca-certificates apt-transport-https build-essential git gparted python3-pip zsh \
          openssh-server wget curl vim terminator fonts-powerline tmux pass rbenv

Install Sublime Text:

  wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
  echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list
  apt-get update
  apt-get install sublime-text

Install zsh/oh-my-zsh:

Install Ruby

Install Node


pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper



Backing up the System Partition

Other Issues
